MAC value doses for the use of Diuron herbicide on Daphnia magna survival

Document Type : article


1 head of Guilan Agricultural and natural and resorces research and education center

2 student

3 phd


The effect of the phenyl urea herbicide Diuron on mortality rate of Daphnia magna was investigated. The study was conducted in 10 treatments and one control in 3 repeats. After application During 24h. Ec10 , Ec50, Ec90 values and MAC value were determined .Results showed these values of the herbicide ranged 15.96 mg/l,26.43 mg/l,43.74 mg/l,2.643 mg/l respectively. According to statistical analysis, the correlation between Probit value and logarithm of concentration at 0.01 is significant . The Diuron  thus, toxic level for Daphnia magna is estimated average Based on the results. It seems that using Diuron in the fish culturing pools, should be about 2.643 mg/l not to decrease or eliminate the microorganisms which are a suitable food for fish.
