Extraction and structural charactrestics of Chitin from fish (Rutilus frisii Kutum) scales

Document Type : article


1 Department of Marine Biology, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran

2 Aquaculture Department, Gilan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Rasht, Iran.


Chitin is the most abundant natural polysaccharide, with an annual production of approximately equal to cellulose. This polymer is not only regarded as an industrial but as a natural compound with many application  in various fields of agricultural and medical sciences. In this study, chitin was first extracted from fish (Rutilus frisi Kutum)  scales and then its structure was characterised  by chemical methods such as elemental decomposition, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and FT-IR analysis. The highest amounts of the elements contained in chitin were related to calcium and magnesium with values ​​of 27.14 and 50.42 mg / kg respctively., and the lowest amounts were recorded in Manganese and Copper. The X-ray diffraction, reveled  the crystalline nature of chitin and the FTIR spectra showed the elongation and vibration bands of the O-H, N-H, CO-bonds in the chitin structure.The physical and chemical properties of the extrcted  chitin show that it can be used commercially in various ways such as dietary supplements, additives, drugs, and water purification
