Study of chemical disinfectants for rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs

Document Type : article


Genetic and Breeding Research Centre for Cold Water Fishes (Shahid-motahari Center), Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extention Organization (AREEO), Yasuj, I.R.Iran.


Hygienic care is essential to regarding the development of activity of rainbow trout reproduction centers in our country and in order to achieve more production . Therefore, hygiene management can be considered as the main pillar of rainbow trout economic production. So it is necessary that considerations of health and prevention policies to be implemented very carefully. Egg disinfection to achieve survival rates in trout hatchery is one of the most important pillars of hygiene management. During egg incubation in order to minimize of Fungal, bacteria, parasites and viruses contamination are widely disinfected by various types of disinfectants. Considering the growing importance of this industry in our country and the need to understand the types of used disinfectants , This article describes the common types of chemical disinfectants in rainbow trout hatchery and makes it easy for the former to use the best disinfectant material in the reproduction center, according to the conditions.
