A Review of Hormone Used in Aquaculture and a Variety of Hormonal Administration Methods in Iran

Document Type : article


1 Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 Inland waters aquaculture research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization(AREEO), Anzali, Iran

3 Inland Water Aquatic Stocks Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gorgan, Iran


Controlling reproduction in captivity is indispensable for aquaculture. In some fish, spawning conditions can be made by manipulating the light period and water temperature. But in many breeding fish, the progression in each stage of reproduction requires the administration of hormones from outside the body of the fish. In some fish, these hormonal manipulations are just as a management tool for increasing egg production and ease of work in the workshops. As for the rest of the fish, external hormones are the only way to produce eggs that will surely be fertilized. Hormonal manipulation of breeding fish is based on the use of the LH luteinizing hormone that acts directly on the gonadal surface, or on the synthetic agonists of the GnRHa gonadotrophin releasing hormone that acts on the surface of the pituitary to induce endogenous LH. Today, there are relatively few known hormones in finch fish, a relatively small amount of protein production. But those that have been cultivated have played a decisive role in aquaculture production systems, and their use in an appropriate framework and in a safe and sustainable way is not expected. In this paper, in addition to reviewing mechanisms for regulating reproduction in fish, important natural and artificial hormones used in aquaculture in the world and Iran, and their scientific and practical applications have been analyzed.
