Feed and growth efficiency indices of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during short periods of protein restriction

Document Type : article


1 PHD Student

2 Head of Specialized Research Station of Aquatics Nutrition and Live food

3 Associate Professor, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

4 Master of Aquatic Nutrition


This study was conducted to determined the effects of different period of protein restriction during short periods of limitation period of one week and two week on growth performance and body composition of rainbow trout(oncorhynchos mykiss) in during of eight weeks. Experimental diets were formulated to contain protein restriction % and control diet of % protein levels. The experiment was a completely randomized design consisted of three treatments in triplicates and fish with initial weight of . g were randomly assigned and distributed at a density  fish per tank ( L). The control treatment fed with % protein during the period , Treatment of  with % protein and % protein, with weekly alternation and treatment three with % and % protein with  weeks protein alternation during the experiment. At the end of experiment, treatment  obtained the highest body weight and the most specific grows rate among of the protein restriction treatments. Statistical analysis indicated that there was not significant difference (P>) between amounts of FCR, PER, FCE, FI and SV in protein restriction treatments and control treatment. The highest carcass protein content was observed in treatment  . Thus at the end of experiment compensatory growth obtained in treatment .
