Using modern genomic-based techniques towards operational improvement of aquaculture activities

Document Type : article


1 Department of genetics and Biotechnology, International Sturgeon Research Institute, Rasht, Iran.

2 University of Tehran


In aquaculture industry, genomic selection has a profound potential to improve the genetic programs and production systems. Genomic selection benefits from both the actual relationship between animals and information from genomic markers in strong LD with commercially and biologically important genes. In this paper, technical progresses, practical requirements and commercial applications of genomic selection in aquaculture will be discussed. Using cost-effective genome sequencing, the genotyping capability in all type of organisms even those with no previous genetic knowledge has been provided. Usage of genomic selection proposes advantages more than traditional aquaculture through accurate estimation of polygenic complex traits such as disease resistance, increase the genetic gain, minimizing the inbreeding and negating the limiting effects of genotype by environment interactions. Based on the performed studies, implementation of a genomic selection program can reduce the rates inbreeding up to 81%. At the moment, the genomic selection is now at the position which can be involved in commercial breeding programs to suggest long and/or short term solutions towards reaching the commercial sustainable aquaculture.
