A review on the application of microalgae as aquafeed‏ ‏in order to increase the productivity of ‎aquaculture products

Document Type : article


1 Department of Marine Biology. Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science, University of Mazandaran

2 Microalgae Production and Processing Biotechnology Research Group, َAcademic Center for Education, Culture, and Research


Nowadays, sea foods are considered to provide more than 50% of the nutritional demands of ‎human communities. Therefore, with the development of the seafood market, the aquaculture ‎industry continues to grow day by day. Currently, some aquaculture food ingredients are made ‎from low price fishes (in the form of fish powder) and plants. But, the production of fish powder ‎cannot be increased due to disruption of the stability of aquatic ecosystems; Therefore, alternative ‎and environmentally friendly sources should be developed for aquaculture food ingredients. ‎Microalgae biomass suggests as a natural source instead of fish powder because the cellular ‎metabolites of these microorganisms contain a combination of essential amino acids, unsaturated ‎fatty acids, vitamins, and pigments. In addition to these unique properties and bioactive compounds ‎that are a major component of aquatic nutrition, microalgae can increase the survival of farmed ‎species, and improve the color and quality of fillets. Microalgae have the highest biomass productivity ‎among photosynthetic organisms, including forage crops, and therefore have high commercial ‎potential. Also, the production of microalgae does not require special arable land and freshwater ‎resources, which makes the feed based on microalgae contribute to environmental sustainability. ‎This article is a review of studies on the potential and application of microalgae in aquatic nutrition ‎to increase the productivity of aquaculture products.‎
